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Mentions légales

Raison sociale : Track-b Productions
Url :
Siège social : 24, rue de Clichy – 75009 Paris
Tel : :+ 33 1 72 60 79 32
Email :
RCS :790056048 RCS Paris
Siret :79005604800016

Objet du site :Track-b Productions

Contenu :
Track-b Productions reserves the right to modify at any time, and without notice, the content of the Site. Any link establishment via must be authorized by Track-b Productions.

Loi informatique et libertés :
In accordance with articles 39 and following of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 modified in 2004 relating to data processing, the files and the liberties, any person can obtain communication and, if necessary, rectification or suppression of the information the concerning, by contacting the service
The site does not use any cookie or personal data to organize the display of its content and does not require, in accordance with the latest regulations on the protection of personal data (RGPD), any consent from users of the site

Propriété :
The videos, texts, layouts, illustrations, photographs, documentations and other elements appearing on the Site are protected by the copyright and are, without exceptional mention of specified property, the property of Track-b Productions. Any copy, adaptation, translation, representation or modification of all or part of the Site is prohibited without the prior agreement of Track-b Productions.

Conception, édition, développement : Luc de Dampierre -

Hébergement :
