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« I never made a movie
that was a compromise » Fritz Lang

Do not let go a bit, that's what Fritz tells us.
His movies made us breath, sometimes tormented us.
His eye (whithout any irony) composes art works, backgrounds that breathe, like complementary and self-sufficients. A sterling work, an obstinated work.
We still haven't got his portrait on Track-b walls, but we have a little post-it not to forget him: a pitbull with tweezers.

Nos héros d'outre mer  |  2 years ago

Nos héros d'outre mer  |  2 years ago

Nos héros d'outre mer  |  2 years ago

Nos héros d'outre mer  |  2 years ago

Echos 00'30''  |  5 years ago

Réalisation: Robin Plomb

After a malaise, Sarah wakes up in her apartment. Victor, his companion, assures that she is overworking and plans to take her away from the city. But a strange presentiment comes in Sarah's mind. The echoes of the past will gradually return and trouble the lies that were the life of the young woman ...

Echos 00'30''  |  5 years ago

Réalisation: Robin Plomb

After a malaise, Sarah wakes up in her apartment. Victor, his companion, assures that she is overworking and plans to take her away from the city. But a strange presentiment comes in Sarah's mind. The echoes of the past will gradually return and trouble the lies that were the life of the young woman ...

BONFOND 2'05''  |  5 years ago


A story of love and adventure. First story Eric and Lise, a franco-american cooking chef couple, gone on a trip on french roads. Before returning to their kitchen, they need to go back up the origin of the products that simmer every day in most famous restaurants. Another story is the growers that they meet and let us understand, either in their orchards or in their secret garden, that growing is not just about a know-how. “Terroir is a soil, un climate and a man”. A story of respect.

BONFOND 2'05''  |  5 years ago


A story of love and adventure. First story Eric and Lise, a franco-american cooking chef couple, gone on a trip on french roads. Before returning to their kitchen, they need to go back up the origin of the products that simmer every day in most famous restaurants. Another story is the growers that they meet and let us understand, either in their orchards or in their secret garden, that growing is not just about a know-how. “Terroir is a soil, un climate and a man”. A story of respect.

Extrait du docu-fiction "GEEK", une expérience visuelle et sensorielle

Short Film

« [...] garder le budget aussi petit que possible pour avoir le plus de liberté. » S.Coppola

Do better with less.
It has become a habit to brainstorm with our team and next to nothing. We tie knots with it, in a big laboratory of ideas. We untie them sometimes, to keep eyes opened.
To find the good balance and the good tempo that any fiction needs. To transform a little story into something a little bigger.

Feature Film

«Chaque début d’écriture est un retour à la case départ.» Q.Tarantino

We sometimes have this feeling when we dream about long films.
Give belief to the theme, his intimate face, build the ingredients of the drama. So we like it and can be proud. So the film reaches his audience, the insitutions, and people that give us their financial support.
But rest assured ! Thanks to Tarentino and as the projects progress, much less vertigo for us.

Extrait du docu-fiction "GEEK", une expérience visuelle et sensorielle

Aller sur le terrain, faire sortir des mots qui collent à la réalité, ou juste rester discret. Faire sortir un sujet de sa zone de confort, avec des pincettes, parfois même de la tendresse. Éveiller chez le spectateur son sens critique. Capter l'interaction d’un public et d’un orchestre symphonique...
Faire parler le vrai sans le trahir, informer, décrire.

Photo Report

Web Report

