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a 360° package

For large companies, SME, public institutions, associations.
Track-b offers a conception know-how and video creation in all ways.
For events during all its moments.
For digital in all its phases.

Motion Design

Enhance services or innovations of a brand in a more user-friendly and educational way, with humor. Find the good match between a move and an idea, without physical limits, in order to draw attention, viralize its content, bring into relief its message.
Editorial content and graphic creation, wireframing, video editing and compositing, sound packaging...
Together we create the scenario. A full motion story.

2D/3D Modeling


Special effects


Social medias move on, options they give us too. Not so easy to keep up.
Since 2016, we have had the nose stuck in it. Our Instagramers, YouTubers, data-scientists and IA engineers network gather people around your contents.
So that those who follow you continue to do so.
So you become visible and acknowledged by your tomorrow’s ambassadors.

Web Media

Community Management



Track-b and BJ Conseils have created an expert platform and offers a 360 degree package. From streaming to keynote, we take care of everything : video capture, scenography, transports, dedicated apps – a single interlocutor for a shared management/
Easier for you and of course less expansive than a mammoth agency.

Video capture

